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Heart opening


I just deleted the previous blogs by mistake, so, it seems, it is time to start with something new!!

Ever since the end of 2015 I am working very intensely on opening my heart, on self-love and compassion.  It's been a long and intensive journey so far, and almost every day I study books, attend seminars or online courses, meditate, pray and practise introspection.  I spend lots of time in nature, which is very healing.  I know that my heart is opening more and more, and that I can hold higher levels of light and love.  

I am well connected with my intuition and creativity, and almost daily I have amazing ideas and sparks of insights, which I all note down in a big note book.  

Right at the beginning of the year it became clear that I am to teach a self-love program next year - or as soon as I am ready - and the note book is filling up with ideas and information.  However, there are still a couple of things I need to learn until I am ready.  One is to hold guided meditations inspired by intuition, the others I keep a secret and surprise!!  It means intensive training for myself, and I am loving this journey:)

Through Life Alignment treatments that I frequently receive by dear colleagues, and also give to myself, I find guidance and personal as well as spiritual growth.  

I now know what my potential and my spiritual mastery is.  So amazing!  I found out through a Life Alignment treatment I gave myself.

So much still to learn and to understand, but so much fun!  

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Regelmässige Yogaklassen beim Örtlibach in Gunten

Yoga stärkt den Körper und entspannt den Geist, so dass Beides in die Balance kommen kann. 

Neu biete ich jetzt zusätzlich auch das beliebte YIN Yoga an. Wir arbeiten intensiv mit den Faszien, und entspannen dabei tief. Du kannst jederzeit dazukommen. 

Termine Kleinklassen:

Mittwochs: 9.00 -10.15 Uhr. (Hatha und YIN Yoga)

Mittwochs: 19.00 bis 20.15 Uhr (vorwiegend YIN YOGA)


Schnuppern möglich. Alle Altersgruppen sind herzlich willkommen. Ruf doch einfach an und komm vorbei: 076 390 9171 Renate Armbruster

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