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Heart Expansion

Every day I work on the new Self-Love programme, it is very exciting and is finally starting to take shape.

The 3 weekends are filling up with exercises, meditations, discussions and teachings - it is a very creative process.  I have almost too much material, and will need to see how to structure each day.  How exciting!  I can't wait to pass all this on.  I have a vision of travelling to teach it internationally, starting in Switzerland, Germany, South Africa, Hungary, UK, Sweden, Norway, USA, Australia, United Arab Emirates and many more.  

This is my commulative knowledge, insights and growth, my life purpose and it gives me so much energy.  I feel passionate about it, and get up at 6 AM to meditate and work on it.. for the rest of the day.

All I need now is someone to help me with the new website (I have a new domain name secured), the marketing and implementation. Perhaps different people for the various countries?  I am open to receive.  My intention is that it all happens easily and joyfully.

My mission is to spread this knowledge of heart expansion, self-love and soul growth to as many people as are ready. 

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