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Action comes from within

I have been greatly touched recently by the very deep messages by Natalie Glasson (  

She channels the "Celestial White Beings" and they talk about the new energies of 2017. This is just an exerpt.

 "In 2017 you are downloading a new perspective of love, meaning that your whole body and mind are experiencing the rewiring which has been instigated by the Beings from Venus throughout 2016. ...Earth will become the "new Planet of Love". 

action comes from within you


within you

This is more then sending love to a situation; this is energetically becoming the situation you wish to manifest.  Felling, sensing and experiencing what this new benevolent and loving situation is like as it forms, builds and exists within your being, then projecting it from your third eye and heart chakra to where it is needed.  

This way you will become an achor and a creator of new loving situations and actions upon the Earth.  This is love in action.

My affirmation is: Love is my role, mission and purpose; love will continue to guide me as we become harmonised in oneness."

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